Heartfelt Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Your grandmother the programmer. Funny
"Dear Grandmother, Happy Wedding Anniversary! Wow, a whole 40 years and you're still coding love - were you born with a 'define love' function in your brain? As a programmer, I'm pretty sure you've debugged some complex relationships over the years, but I'm guessing it was worth it - here's to 40 more years of memory allocation and data storage that's simply awesome! Love you!"
May I cordially present my "congratuliffe" for your anni-versairy? Wish you a life filled with code, love, and a whole new set of bugs to debug! |
Dearest Grandmother! Happy Anniversary! May your love continue to bug like a well-written algorithm, always running smoothly and keeping your codebase compatible. Cheers to many more years of hitting refresh on your happily ever after!
Happy Anniversary, Grandmother! Another year of debugging your marriage, and you've still got it compiling! Wishing you and Grandpa many more years of love, laughter, and maybe a couple of well-deserved bug fixes along the way. Congratulations on this amazing milestone! 🥂💍
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